Papa Smurf Mods

Mods, skins, ATS, ETS2 and more

MoreLigthAddon 1.40 will be made from scratch

Due to the latest update and allowing us to play beta 1.40, I am working on a new mod. It will be similar to my latest MoreLightsAddon mod but it will be made from scratch in a new lighting system. My MoreLightsAddon mod has been updated to 1.40 but only little and i will not uptade it completly. The new mod that I want to create will contain halogen lights, small lamps, blinking beacon lights and much more. I want to make police flashing lights for the roof, more beacon lights but also better halogens and more small lights in better quality. I will be uploading my work progress to my website so if you are interested and want to follow the progress, subscribe here and you will receive notification emails. You can also follow me on Facebook and YouTube.

Below you will find a video from the first launch of halogen MX74.

If you like what I do, write a comment below. If you have an idea, please share it. Subscribe, it costs nothing and it motivates me.

Icon visible in the workshop

Create a new image that is 256px wide by 64px high.

Add text or apply a different layer with the photo. It’s a very small thumbnail so don’t worry about the quality as whatever you do, the quality will be low. Then export it as a PNG image to wherever you want so that you can easily find it later.

And that’s it. Icon done. It will be visible in the workshop when you buy the skin.